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Configure pipeline

Configure pipeline

Livecycle Pipeline can facilitate a CI/CD pipeline for your application dedicated for building and provisioning preview environment for your application. After setup is complete, a preview environment with a detected url will be created for each commit in your SCM repository.

Choose a Project Template

  1. After selecting a repository as a destination to install Livecycle, The Configure New Project Wizard will ask you to choose a template
  2. Choose the project template that is best for you based on your selected repository’s stack. To learn more about the projects/workloads we support, click here
  3.  After selecting a specific template, set the configuration and environmental variables with the options that appear
  4. When complete, click the Review Configuration button

Review Configuration and Build

  1. The Configure New Project Wizard will show you a preview of the livecycle.yaml configuration file based on your configuration settings
  2. Review the livecycle.yamlfile and make and adjustments your configuration, if needed
  3. When ready, click the Build button to run a build from the selected repository with Livecycle
  4. More information about the livecycle.yamlis available here